I just tried both ways you two mentioned and the script locks up either way. What am I doing wrong. And this might be a stupid question, but did you literally want me to have the word "continue" there? I haven't seen that used. Thanks.
On *:Dialog:scriptsend:sclick:2: {
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $snick($active,0)) {
    ctcp $snick($active,%x) script
    var %y = 1
    while %y <= $did(scriptsend,1).lines {
      if ($remove($did(scriptsend,1,%y).text,$chr(32)) == $null) continue      
      msg $snick($active,%x) $did(scriptsend,1,%y).text
      inc %y
    ctcp $snick($active,%x) endscript
    inc %x

Last edited by bwr30060; 13/05/06 01:56 PM.