Well, I just went trough all 500 out of the 500 results, but all kick protection scripts I see are based on the nick of the user.

on *:KICK:#: {
  if ($knick == $me) {
    ajinvite on
    ;[color:blue]P is the channel service bot, like chanserv etc. [/color] 
    msg P invite #
    msg P ban # $nick Mess with the best, die like the rest!
    timer5 1 10 msg P unban # $nick

This is my current script. It works fine as long as its a user kicking me.
When the kick is done trough P (chan serv) I start kicking the chanserv thing....
Really, I think there is no solution for this

Last edited by OrionsBelt; 13/05/06 11:20 AM.