Hi guys. I know I've been away awhile... I've been busy. frown

Anyhow, I noticed something when working on fixing any bugs in Invision so that it works fine in 6.16 and 6.17. I noticed that with 6.14, I get $null as an output from using the .sel command in a dialog listbox. It was basically:

if ($did(InvisMain,14).sel == $null) { do this } 

Not exact because I don't have it right in front of me right now, but you should get the idea.

However, as soon as I stick 6.17 in there and run that, the .sel no longer returns $null, but instead returns 0. I had to put an || in there with both options to make it compatible with older and newer mIRC versions.

Anyhow, I'm just wondering what the change was for? Chances are that it was a change in 6.16 as I didn't bother trying to fix Invision for 6.16. I only just decided it was time to fix the problems so we could put out another patch for it (it's not a priority for me as I'm support, not coder for that script). So this is the first I have seen it.

I'm just curious what was changed and why. smile

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net