i'm using mirc 6.16 with nnscript 3.81

I use the following code to connect to multiple servers.

on *:start:{
  server psybncserver password -j #chan1, #chan2
  server -m someotherircserver -j #chan1, #chan2

i have 2 problems:

1: I have 2 bnc accounts at 1 server, so 2 different idents are needed for me to connect to those. how can i set different idents for each bnc?

2. when i connect to the same server twice i get a nick collision because they try to connect at the same time. is there anyway to specify an own nickname for each server? or to put a delay for the connection of server/bnc2?

thnx for your time!

grtz Arjen

Last edited by febdyna; 25/04/06 12:25 PM.