I have a full Channel Registration, But, I was wondering how to type longer then the editbox can handle, like, it doesn't stop at the end of the edit box.

dialog Channel_Registration {
  title "Easy Channel Registration"
  size -1 -1 154 173
  option dbu
  text "Password", 1, 16 127 29 8, center
  edit "", 2, 6 139 50 10, pass
  text "Description", 3, 107 127 30 8, center
[color:red]edit "", 4, 95 139 50 10[/color]
  button "Next >>", 5, 46 156 60 12
  list 6, 10 23 132 95, size
  text "Channel Name", 7, 50 1 46 8, center
  edit "", 8, 42 10 65 10

edit "", 4, 95 139 50 10, ( I was wondering what I could add here, example: Center, pass, etc. )

Please help me out, help greatly appreciated
