Hi everyone,

I was using 6.17 mIRC but after finding out that version 6.17 has a known error with .mts themes, I decided to revert back to version 6.16 where there are no problems, the problems lies with the following code:
alias capitalise {
  var %text = $regsubex($regsubex($1,/(?<=^|[.!?] )(.)|(?<=^| )(i(?= |'|$))/g,$upper(\t)),/\bmirc\b/gi,mIRC)
  return %text $+ $iif($right(%text,1) !isin .!? && $gettok(%text,-1,32) isalnum,.)

#uppercase on
on *:input:*:{
  if (!$istok(/ $readini($mircini,text,commandchar),$left($1,1),32)) && (!$ctrlenter) && (!$inpaste) {
    say $capitalise($1-)

#uppercase end

With this error msg:

* /say:insufficient parameters 

All the above code does is Captilize letters and add fullstops after every sentence, now when the group is on... the "insufficient parameters" error occurs, and when its turned off, the problem is solved, I would really like to use this feature, but i still want to use 6.16, Any ideas?

Thank you

Last edited by Skeletor; 15/04/06 05:54 PM.