Hey check this out, using this /sleep alias by Online you
could make an identifier for this to return an address.

//echo -a $userhost(mIRCManiac)

alias userhost {
  if ($isid) {
    if ($address($1,5)) return $v1
    set -eu5 $+(%,userhost.,$1) $true
    userhost $1
    [color:green]sleep[/color] [color:red]500[/color]
    var %r = $eval($+(%,ruserhost.,$1),2)
    unset $+(%,ruserhost.,$1) $+(%,userhost.,$1)
    return %r
  userhost $1
[color:green]alias sleep {
  var %a = $ticks $+ .wsf
  write %a <job id="js"><script language="jscript">WScript.Sleep( $+ $$1 $+ );</script></job>
  .comopen %a WScript.Shell
  if !$comerr { .comclose %a $com(%a,Run,3,bstr,%a,uint,0,bool,true) }
  .remove %a
raw 302:*: {
  var %address = $replace($remove($2,*,+),=,!),%nick = $gettok(%address,1,33)
  if ($eval($+(%,userhost.,%nick),2)) {
    set -eu5 $+(%,ruserhost.,%nick) %address

You may need to raise this depending on the lag on
your network, I had it as low as 10ms and it worked.

I couldn't haltdef a null 302 from displaying, bug maybe?
userhost: no such user

Last edited by mIRCManiac; 14/04/06 04:49 PM.