Some of these ideas may have been posted before but i didn't find anything with search so im just gunna list everything i can think of.

1) Line numbers on the left.
2) Code block Expand/Reduce.
3) Auto Indent after pressing Return.
4) Comment/Uncomment selected range.
5) Comments ending in { indent the lines after them when you open the editor, which gets annoying and shouldn't happen.
6) Find/Replace with Wildcard and Regex support.
7) Syntax highlighting.
8) Better View menu. When you reach the limit it should start putting them into sub menus, instead of having More... placed at the end. Or at least order the list in the More Files dialog in the order they where in the menu.

Thats all i can think of right now. Anyone who wants to add stuff i'll edit this post with your suggestion.

- poiuy_qwert