anyways, picture of dialog (the last one) is seen above
so it is MDX list box, i have 5 objects to select on list
while 6th object are those tabs(with names)

problem i got is this:

alias _loadthmfile { 
  tokenize 32 $1- 
  .load -a themes\ $+ $1 $+ .dom 

 _loadthmfile $did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel)

coz when i click on the selected line in dialog and try to load a file, instead names (Black, White, Asure etc... whatever name is) it wont load file of same name (Black.dom, White.dom) etc... but it tries to load based on OBJECT number, so in this case if Black is last on list, it would be object 6 and it tries to load 6.dom and not Black.dom (by name)

First change "$did(themes,2,$did(themes,2,1).sel)" to "$did(themes,2,$did(themes,2,1).sel).text". The "1" I added is probably not needed but it is saying that you want the first selected item.

When you use "$did(themes,2,$did(themes,2).sel).text" you are getting a text line that looks like a line from your first image. That's because when you create an MDX control it doesn't change the listbox (or host control), it simply use this control to determine how the MDX control should look. $did() can not directly access the MDX control.

In the alias "_loadthmfile" try "tokenize 9 $1-" or "tokenize 9 $remove($1-, $chr(32))" instead of "tokenize 32 $1-". Then use $3 to get your color.

Last edited by NaquadaServ; 06/04/06 03:59 PM.