Thanks, but that isn't working for some reason. I turned the debug window on and did a /names. It returns this: 353 Blake = #chat :AdminBot @Blake
So I think that means that I want $6-. However, I tried it your way and with $6- and neither work. I'm also having a problem getting what's read from the socket to be put in an editbox. Can someone take a look at my code and tell me why it's not working? It only ever puts a part of the first line it gets from the socket in my admin console's "status window". Thanks.
on *:dialog:admin:sclick:22:{
alias botsock {
  sockopen bsock 6667
on *:sockopen:bsock:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname NICK AdminBot
  sockwrite -n $sockname USER AdminBot Dorothy AdminBot
  sockwrite -n $sockname JOIN #chat
  sockwrite -n $sockname JOIN #VB
  sockwrite -n $sockname JOIN #Help
  sockwrite -n $sockname NAMES #Chat
on *:sockread:bsock:{
  sockread %temptext  
  did -a admin 66 %temptext $+ $crlf
  if ($gettok(%temptext,1,32) == PING) {
    sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $gettok(%temptext,2,32)
raw 353:*:{ 
  didtok admin 4 32 $remove($6-,@,%,+,&) 
