I just wrote the design for my admin console in Dialog Editor, but I'm having a problem running the dialog. Another odd thing I noticed in the code is that one of the tabs is number 59 and I only have three or four tabs. I'm using "dialog -m admin admin" to start it and I'm getting "-L Unknown command" in the status window. Any ideas why? Here's the code:
dialog admin {
  title "Admin Console"
  size -1 -1 250 329
  option dbu
  tab "Nick Control", 1, 2 3 246 321
  tab "Channel Control", 2
  tab "Ban Control", 3
  tab "Bot Control", 59
  list 4, 6 32 94 166, tab 1 vsbar
  list 6, 106 32 74 112, tab 1 vsbar
  text "Nicks", 7, 7 22 50 8, tab 1
  radio "As Blake", 8, 7 196 50 8, tab 1
  radio "As Bot", 9, 7 208 50 8, tab 1
  button "Owner", 10, 184 32 32 12, tab 1
  button "De-Owner", 11, 184 46 32 12, tab 1
  button "Op", 12, 184 61 32 12, tab 1
  button "De-Op", 13, 184 75 32 12, tab 1
  button "Voice", 14, 184 90 32 12, tab 1
  button "De-Voice", 15, 184 104 32 12, tab 1
  button "Kick", 16, 184 119 32 12, tab 1
  button "Ban", 17, 184 133 32 12, tab 1
  button "Un-Ban", 18, 184 148 32 12, tab 1
  button "K-Line", 19, 184 162 32 12, tab 1
  button "Kill", 20, 184 177 32 12, tab 1
  text "Channels", 21, 107 21 50 8, tab 1
  box "Connection", 5, 7 232 49 87, tab 1
  button "Log In", 22, 9 239 32 12, tab 1
  button "Log Out", 23, 9 252 32 12, tab 1
  button "Away", 24, 9 265 32 12, tab 1
  button "Back", 25, 9 278 32 12, tab 1
  button "Join", 26, 9 291 32 12, tab 1
  button "Part", 27, 9 304 32 12, tab 1
  text "My Nick", 28, 64 196 50 8, tab 1
  edit "", 29, 64 208 87 10, tab 1
  button "Change", 30, 154 205 32 12, tab 1
  text "New Nick", 31, 66 238 50 8, tab 1
  edit "", 32, 66 250 50 10, tab 1
  button "Change", 33, 121 248 32 12, tab 1
  box "Channel Modes", 34, 5 18 238 61, tab 2
  check "Only Ops Set Topic", 35, 10 26 56 8, tab 2
  check "No External Messages", 36, 10 38 72 8, tab 2
  check "Invite Only", 37, 10 49 50 8, tab 2
  check "Moderated", 38, 10 61 50 8, tab 2
  check "Key", 39, 116 26 20 8, tab 2
  edit "", 40, 139 27 50 10, tab 2
  check "Limit to", 41, 116 38 28 8, tab 2
  edit "", 42, 144 37 21 10, tab 2
  text "users", 43, 165 38 22 8, tab 2
  check "Private", 44, 116 49 50 8, tab 2
  check "Secret", 45, 116 61 50 8, tab 2
  edit "", 46, 10 104 229 10, tab 2
  text "Topic", 47, 117 91 16 8, tab 2
  text "New Topic", 48, 111 147 27 8, tab 2
  edit "", 49, 10 160 229 10, tab 2
  button "Change", 50, 143 144 32 12, tab 2
  list 51, 10 191 96 114, tab 2 vsbar
  text "Channels", 52, 46 179 25 8, tab 2
  list 53, 6 40 114 141, tab 3 vsbar
  list 54, 122 40 114 141, tab 3 vsbar
  text "K-lines", 55, 55 30 16 8, tab 3
  text "G-lines", 56, 170 30 17 8, tab 3
  button "Remove", 57, 47 181 32 12, tab 3
  button "Remove", 58, 163 181 32 12, tab 3
  edit "", 60, 8 32 234 10, tab 59
  button "Say", 61, 37 44 32 12, tab 59
  button "Act", 62, 76 44 32 12, tab 59
  icon 63, 77 239 96 78, C:\Program Files\mIRC\me.jpg, 0 tab 59
  text "Admin Console---by Blake", 64, 77 227 96 8, tab 59 center