my finaly code is:

on *:sockopen:hpcomp:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /lang/en/aff/runescape/ $+ %user HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
on *:sockread:hpcomp:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    echo -a Error.
  else {
    var %temptext
    sockread %temptext
    echo 5 -s > %temptext
    if <span class="small text"> Hitpoint stats: Starting Level: * , Current Level: * , Difference: *{
    echo -a -
    echo -a $htmlfree(%temptext)
alias -l htmlfree {
  ; It's local because it won't be used by the command line, only this file.
  ; Local aliases avoid conflicting names.
  var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x, )
  return %x

alias hpcomp {
  if ($2-) {
    set %user $2

    ; Variables to be used in the future URL are being set here!
    sockopen hpcomp 80
  else {
    echo -a You didn't specify a user and the info.

alias rune {
  if ($sock(hpcomp)) sockclose hpcomp
  sockopen hpcomp 80
  .timer 1 5 sockclose hpcomp
  echo -at Connecting to runescape

but when i try to use it, it says:

[21:34:21] Connecting to runescape <--- in the active window
* /if: 'class="small' unknown operator (line 16, script13.ini) <--- in status window