I made a simple rotine who say what you type in one channel and said that to another channel!
Its very basic but works fine, all you need to do is copy/past the folowing rotine in your Remote section:

menu Channel {
  Chan2 Menu
  .Turn on system:.set %Loged_Chan2 On | .echo -a *** Chan2 System On
  .Turn Off system:.set %Loged_Chan2 Off | .echo -a *** Chan2 System Off
  .Set Chan1:.set %Chan1 $input(Please input the 1 Channel to replay your message:,129)
  .Set Chan2:.set %Chan2 $input(Please input the 2 Channel to be replayed:,129)

on *:INPUT:#:{
  if (%Loged_Chan2 == On) {
    if ($window($active) == %Chan1) {
      var %msg = $1-
      if (%Chan2 == $null) {
        echo -a *** Please set the Channel to be replayed!
      else {
        .echo %Chan2 %msg
        .msg %Chan2 %msg
  else {
    echo -a *** Chan2 System halted, please turn on the system!



What the code does is simple,
1. first you need set up the Chan1 (the channel who its gonna be listened), we can assume that Channel calls #Chat.

2. you need set up the Chan2 (Channel who its gonna be replayed by the first channel), it can be #OtherRoom.

3. you need start the engine, just right-Click on any Channel window and push Chan2 menu>Turn on system, then the engine gonna be started!
All what you say in Chan1 (#chat) its gonna be replayed in Chan2 (#OtherRoom); You also can turn off the engine!

Its simple but works fine to me, any bug or dont, feel free to change it to your way!

Thats all


The practice do the Master...