If you change the request to HTTP/1.0 then that weird data should be gone.

The reason is that with the 1.1 request for this site, you'll get the header Transfer-Encoding: chunked, which means your data will be retrieved in chunks. At the end of the chunks (when all data has been retrieved), you'll see a 0 followed by some optional ending headers (footers) and a blank line.

Those weird chars denote the size of the chunk that is being sent in hex. For example the first value I got was "d7e", which converted to the decimal system means $base(d7e,16,10) = 3454, in other words the number of bytes of the chunk. Each chunk will have that hex char possibly followed by a semicolon and extra parameters you can ignore. The line with the hex char will have a crlf following it, so will the data.

Note that putting 1.1 doesn't automatically mean your data will always be received in chunks, it depends on the server, but since 1.0 doesn't support this method afaik, you won't get chunked responses, thus neither those hex chars.