That looks like it should work, but for some reason the whitespace is still being trimmed. (btw, I'm using 6.12 if it matters.)

But I have good news!!

I figured out a workaround. I padded my data with $chr(160) as I have always been doing, but instead of writing/echo'ing %rowdata each time, I sent it off to this alias:

alias RBgetnewasc {
  var %d = 1
  while (%d <= $len($1-)) {
    var %ascdigits = %ascdigits $asc($mid($1-,%d,1))
    inc %d
  return $replace(%ascdigits,160,32)

And just did this:

bset &rowdata 1 $RBgetnewasc(%rowdata) 13 10
bwrite gettabletemp.txt -1 -1 &rowdata

May not be the most efficient solution, but it works so I'm stickin' to it!

I wish to thank everyone who participated in this thread. +1 karma points for you all.