This is nothing i couldnt do myself, just thought it might be a nice addition.
add a switch to /TIMER maybe -v that appends a value to the end of the timername (obviously checking if that timer doesnt exists already) Like if u dont give the timer a name at all it uses a number.
So for example
//timerExample -v 1 10 echo The timer going of now is $!ctimer | timer
* Timer example1 activated
* Active timers:
* Timer example1 1 time(s) 10s delay echo The timer going of now is $ctimer
//timerExample -v 1 10 echo The timer going of now is $!ctimer | timer
* Timer example2 activated
* Active timers:
* Timer example1 1 time(s) 10s delay echo The timer going of now is $ctimer
* Timer example2 1 time(s) 10s delay echo The timer going of now is $ctimer
Just something nice which would allow a command like /TIMER example* OFF
* I dont need a work around or told how simple using $ticks and $rand this would be, i know its not overly hard to do