i would LOVE the on OPEN and on CLOSE for DCC chats and fserves to react to actually opening/closing the window, as suppose to wheter the connection was made succesfully.
In its current state using on OPEN to check wheter or not a DCC CHAT or FSERV was initiated is useless since it wont trigger if they fail The only other 2 ways i can think of are:
[*] Listening to ctcp's is a mess to because there is no way of knowing if the user has the Accept dialog and cancels.
[*] On ACTIVE is another way but if the user uses minimize on CHAT/GET these wont trigger.
[*] ON DCCSERVER only triggers only on succesful connections as well.

Seperating the on OPEN and checking for succesful connections would be way better imo.
i.e on OPEN CLOSE trigger on creation/destroy of the window no matter the successrate of the DCC.
and an ON DCC with the following identifiers
properties: type,status
