i did just a few modifications to remove most of the path, note the $remove's

this is my solution to having the files listed, no path showing, with the bytes and megabyte sizes listed after the filename.
note any files under 5k will show as 0mb. (megabyte rounding rule im guessing is over 5k is 0.01mb)
dialog list {
  title ""
  size -1 -1 100 110
  option dbu
  list 6, 5 5 90 90, sort hsbar vsbar
  button "Change Folder", 901, 25 95 50 10
on *:dialog:list:init:0:{
  var %null = $findfile($getdir,*,0,listfileinfo $1-)
  did -z list 6
on *:dialog:list:sclick:901:{
  if (!%filesource) { set %filesource $getdir }
  set %filesource $sdir(%filesource)
  did -r list 6
  var %null = $findfile(%filesource,*,0,listfileinfo $1-)
  did -z list 6
alias listfileinfo {
  var %listfile = $1-
  var %listsize = $bytes($file(%listfile),b).suf $bytes($file(%listfile),m).suf
  did -a list 6 $nopath(%listfile) %listsize