This is the error msg...

* /hload: error loading hash table 'Kte_Data' from 'Kte-Data.dat' (line 76, system.mrc)

Here is my line 76:

  _hmake Kte_Data 8 | if ($isfile($kte_file(Kte-Data.dat))) { hload -b Kte_Data $kte_file(Kte-Data.dat) } 

This is the Kte-Data.dat

  Hide 12 Apply 1 Script\ "$mircdirThemes\vtecGOLD.mrc"	 CurScheme 10 TimestampFormat 11[11 HH:nn:ss 11]	 mUnzipDir! $mircdir\Themes\ ThmDir! $mircdir\Themes\	 CurOTheme/ "$mircdirThemes\vtecGOLD.mts" GZipDir! $mircdirThemes\ CurTheme/ "$mircdirThemes\vtecGOLD.mts" Cache 3 FRep.Status 0 

I have installed the script to my 'C:\Program files\Vtec script'

Any Ideas?