Try this code:

alias mail {
  [color:red];------ SET THESE VALUES THEN CALL /mail -----
  set %fromaddress
  set %toaddress
  set %subject This is the subject
  set %body This is the body
  var %host
  set %logfile $+(maillog.,$asctime(,.txt)
  set %sendstate 1
  if ($sock(sendmail)) sockclose sendmail
  write %logfile # Connect Attempt to 
  sockopen sendmail 25
on *:sockread:sendmail:{ 
  var %temptext
  sockread %temptext
  tokenize 32 %temptext

  write %logfile $asctime(HH:nn:ss) -> $1- 
  if ((%sendstate == 1) && ($1 == 220)) {
    mailsockwrite HELO localhost
    echo 3 -a HELO
    inc %sendstate
  elseif ((%sendstate == 2) && ($1 == 250)) { 
    mailsockwrite MAIL From: $+ %fromaddress
    echo 3 -a MAIL
    inc %sendstate
  elseif ((%sendstate == 3) && ($1 == 250)) { 
    mailsockwrite RCPT To: $+ %toaddress 
    echo 3 -a RCPT
    inc %sendstate
  elseif ((%sendstate == 4) && ($1 == 250)) { 
    mailsockwrite DATA 
    echo 3 -a DATA
    inc %sendstate
  elseif ((%sendstate == 5) && ($1 == 354)) {
    mailsockwrite Subject: %subject 
    mailsockwrite $crlf 
    mailsockwrite %body 
    mailsockwrite . 
    echo 3 -a SEND
    inc %sendstate
  elseif ((%sendstate == 6) && ($1 == 250)) {
    mailsockwrite QUIT
    echo 3 -a QUIT
    inc %sendstate
  elseif ((%sendstate == 7) && ($1 == 221)) {
    sockclose $sockname
    echo 3 -a DONE
  elseif ((%sendstate < 0) && ($1 == 221)) {
    sockclose $sockname
    echo 4 -a DONE
  else {
    mailsockwrite QUIT
    echo 4 -a ERROR: $1-
    set %sendstate -1
alias mailsockwrite {
  sockwrite -n $sockname $1-
  write %logfile $asctime(HH:nn:ss) <- $1-

Note that I knew nothing about SMTP before I read this site:

The above code should cancel the send if there is an unexpected message from the server (ie. an error). You need to set the variables at the beginning of the /mail alias using your own code/dialogs/etc.. Everything after the ;----- in the /mail alias should remain the same. Once those variables are set, you call the /mail alias to send the email.
