I'm currently attempting to create a script that will keep track of how many users a certain nick invites into a channel. I haven't tested the following code, but pretty confident it will work as planned. I currently have:
on *:TEXT:!invited *:#:{
  if ($$2 == $nick) { notice $nick What are you trying to do cheat?! You can't "invite" yourself. | halt }
  elseif ($$2 != $null) { inc %td 1 | set %joined. $+ $nick Invited by: $2 on $date | inc %invited. $+ $remove($2,<,>) 1 | write events.txt $nick (New Chatter) $nick indicates $$2 invites him to join $chan $+ . }
  else { notice $nick Please provide the nick of the user who invited you into the channel. }

on *:JOIN:#:{
  if (%joined. $+ $nick != $null)
  write events.txt $nick (Join) $nick Joined $chan on $fulldate
  else { 
  notice $nick I can't find you in my database. If you were invited to join this channel by someone | notice $nick type !invited <User who invited you> to help them win this amazing competition! }
on *:PART:#:{
  if (%joined. $+ $nick != $null)
  write events.txt $nick (Part) $nick Parted $chan on $fulldate
on *:QUIT:{
  if ($chan == #TheChannel) && (%joined. $+ $nick != $null) {
  write events.txt $nick (Quit) $nick QUIT on $fulldate }
on @*:TEXT:!cstats *:#:{
  if ($$2 == $chr(42)) { dcc send $nick events.txt | halt }
  elseif (%joined. $+ $2 != $null) {
    set %cs 1
    set %cs $lines(events.txt)
    while (%cs <= %cs) {
      notice $nick $read(events.txt, w, $2, %cs)
      inc %c
    unset %c
    unset %cs
    notice $nick End of matches.
  else { notice $nick No matches found. }
on @*:TEXT:!total *:#:{
  if ($$2 == $chr(42)) { notice $nick I have %td nicks in my database. | halt }
  elseif (%invited. $+ $2 != $null) { notice $nick $2 has invited a total of %invited. $+ $2 people into the channel! }
  else { notice $nick No records for $2 found. }
on *:TEXT:!mytotal:#:{
  if (%invited. $+ $nick != $null) { notice $nick There are currently %invited. $+ $nick users that claim you invited them. }
  else { notice $nick I have no records of anyone claiming you invited them to this channel. }

I'm just wondering if there's anyting any of you see missing, or if you have any suggestions on how I could make this code a bit more effecient. I'm pretty certain that using hash tables would be a bit better, but I'm not experienced on using them, and feel comfortable using something I know. Any advice/help would be much appreciated. The data will be kept for approx. a month, and then cleared. I've attempted to add all the error checking I could think of, but know it's far from flawless. Again, thanks in advanced for all the advice/help offered.