Since you are making a texas-holdem game, you need to be able to test each of the possible 5-card hands that can be made from 7 cards in total. Since you already have the comparison code, I think that it would be easier to make an alias that will loop through all possible combinations of the 7 cards, and feed them 2 at a time into a comparison alias.

I'm not sure how the loop itself would work, but it would have to go through every combination of 5 cards than can be made from 7 cards. There wouldn't be very many combinations since all permutations don't need to be tested (cards 1,2,3,4,5 are the same as 2,4,3,5,1 and 5,2,3,4,1).

As each item of the loop comes up, it needs to be tested against the winner of the last test. So if hand B in loop 5 won, then it would be tested against hand A of loop 6. After all hands have been tested, the result will be the highest hand.

The comparison alias was described in my last post.
