This is what i think it does currently
;$1 = person who died? (or at least person who might have died if HP is < 1 ---- defined as P1 (player1)
;$2 = killer? --- defined as P2 (player2)
alias dead {
  if ($readini($1 $+ .chr,stats,hp) < 1) {
    [color:blue];^ checks if P1 is dead[/color]
    writeini $1 $+ .chr battle entered no 
    removeword $1
    writeini $1 $+ .chr battle dead yes
    [color:blue];^ doing some things to set P1 as not active or dead[/color]
    var %money = $readini($1 $+ .chr,stats,level)
    var %randmoney1 = $round($calc(%money / 1.5))
    var %randmoney2 = $round($calc(%money * 1.5) * 5)
    var %money = $rand(%randmoney1,%randmoney2)
    [color:blue];^ generates a random money amont from P1 money amount this well be from a random number from 66% to 500%
    ;ie if P1 had $1000 it well be a random number from $667 to $5000[/color]
    var %exp22 $readini($2 $+ .chr,stats,exp)
    if (%exp22 < 1) { writeini $2 $+ .chr stats exp 1 }
    var %exp = $readini($1 $+ .chr,stats,level)
    var %exp1 = $calc(%exp * 5)
    if (%exp1 < 1) { var %exp1 = 1 }
    var %exp = $rand(%exp1,$calc(%exp * 10))
    [color:blue];^ generate a random number from P1 "level" value, the random value well normally be in the range of 500% to 1000% of P1 "level" (see note below)
    ;This has a possable fault in it, assuming that "level" is <=0 or $null, then only the 500% value is corrected to "1", the 1000% value is still x10 of "level"[/color] 
    msg %chanset $skz($1 $+ $aura($1) Was Killed By $2 $+ $aura($2))
    /notice $2 $skz(You Have Gained %exp Exp And $chr(36) $+ %money)
    [color:blue];^ report outcome of fight[/color] 
    writeini $2 $+ .chr battle attacking false
    writeini $1 $+ .chr battle attacking false
    /checklevel $2
    mode %chanset -v $1 
    [color:blue];^ alter status's of P1 and P2[/color] 
    writeini $2 $+ .chr stats money $calc($readini($2 $+ .chr,stats,money) + %money)
    writeini $2 $+ .chr stats exp $calc($readini($2 $+ .chr,stats,exp) + %exp)       
    [color:blue];^ add gained exp and money to P2[/color] 
    timer $+ $1 off 
    timer $+ $2 off
    [color:blue];^ shut down fight timers?[/color] 

you well notice that in the %exp calculation descript tion i mentioned "level", this is becuase the source of the value is from $readini($1 $+ .chr,stats,level) and not from exp due to the nature of the game i cant tell if this is the right or wrong source.

* Something that would have helped alot was if u told us what u had expected the exp and money values to be (ranged) for say $100 and "level/exp" of 100