hey guys!

I'm having minor problem with this script:
on *:TEXT:*Mynick*:#: { 
  if ($window(@echo).state == $null) { makestatwindow }
  if ($active != $chan) {
    //echo @echo $asctime($ctime,14(15hh10:15nn10:15sstt14)) 14 $nick 12 said 6 $1- in 5 $chan $+ ! 


As you might have guessed it's supposed to open a new status window and add whatever was said about "Mynick" in the chans i am in.
It does end up in a window but it's the default status window and it doesn't create a new one like I was hoping it would do.
So instead of the new window I get "MAKESTATWINDOW Unknown command" and it ends up in the default one.

Hope i make any sense.

Thanks for reading! smile