I dont know where you got BLAKE from so im going to assue its the $nick your currently on.

var %line, %i = 2, %m = $numtok(%list,44)
while (%i <= %m) {
  var %name = $gettok($gettok(%list,%i,44),1,32)
  var %numdate = $gettok($gettok(%list,%i,44),2,32)
  [color:blue]... adjust %numdate from the number to a date here ...[/color]
  var %line = %line $+ %name %numdate $+ ,
  inc %i
var %line = $gettok($nick was %line,1-,44)
echo -a %line

* code untested *

I dont use the tokenize command at all, rather i use the $gettok() identifier, first with 44 comma, starting at trhe second token, then using 32 space to get the 1st and 2nd parts of each of the previous token, then u can add the adjusting the date bit, then i add it to a line %line, and move to the next token (44), lastley I add the "Blake was " bit at the front , and remove the trailing comma ($gettok well remove leading and trailing token seperators), finaly echo it.