In simplest form:

on *:NOTIFY:{ 
  if ($nick == Matt) { .msg $nick Hey there }
  else if ($nick == Mark) { .msg $nick Good Day }
  else if ($nick == Luke) { .msg $nick How ya doing }
  else if ($nick == John) { .msg $nick Long time no see }

I'd suggest however that you make use of userlevels.
Have a look at /help access levels as well as /help $level.

as an example of one that I used for a DCC allow on DALnet

on *:notify:{
  if ($network == DALnet) {
    var %address $mask($wildsite,3)
    if ($nick == Mathew) && (%address == *!*@*.host.net) { notice Mathew Welcome Home Mathew }

$wildsite doesnt have the user in the address, but as a test of the nick being the person you intended I think this is workable.