I have to admit that my test was inaccurate. The only excuse I have is that I did it quickly before dinner :tongue:. What was wrong was that I did'nt count for serverlag. Apparently, while I was testing $readini's the server had less lag than while I was testing without $readini's. I repeated the test, making sure the last phrase in the ini file was selected each time and making sure that the number of ticks that passed was echoed before a reply was sent to the channel. I noticed that using $readini for 400 entries takes about 110 ticks more. Not that much of a difference I would say. About efficiency and speed: technically you are right. But if I have to apply all kinds of tricks to speed up my script 110 ticks and making my script less understandable for future maintenance, then I find $readini efficient enough. In this case, the differences in the code are small, so I keep the faster version. Still I wonder about the url that said that ini files are processed in memory ... Thanks anyway for your wise words smile