I have a block of text in a multiline edit and I am trying to get any/all URLs contained therein and pass them to an alias.

I've got a loop which reads each line of the edit fine, and puts it into a variable %text. I then have a fairly comprehensive regex that I think should catch pretty much any URL. I then echo it as I am still testing, but will be sending it to an alias or a hash table soemwhere in due course
if $regex($xdid(paste_diag,20,%i).text,/((?:ftp:\/\/|https?:\/\/|www\d?\.)[^<>\.\s]+(?:\.[^<>\.\s]+)+(?:\/[^<>\.\s]+)*)/g) {
  echo -s found: $regml(1)

Problem comes (obviously) when I have more than one URL in a line. I'm hoping there's a neater way than checking how many there are and then getting a $regml of them all, seems a bit inefficient. Additionally, unlikely as it is, my understanding is this wouldn't work if there were more than 10 occurrences in a line anyway due to how $regml is coded? I suppose I could use some kind of while (url is in the line) with a reg sub. Any ideas?