one thing i did catch is if they order drinks for others and not themself but other than that it worked fine with 3 names not including the one who made the order

so ill need to throw in a check for me myself or i
or rather smile you will need to throw ina check for me myself or i and then predicate the last describe firing to that being true
sorta like this
On 1:text:Bartender *:#:{
  if (cola isin $1-) {
    var %nicknum = $nick($chan,0)
    var %nick1 = 1
  while (%nicknum >= %nick1) {
    if ($nick($chan,%nick1) isin $1-) {
      describe $chan $read(cola.txt,t) $nick($chan,%nick1)
    inc %nick1
  if (((i isin $1-) || (me isin $1-) || (myself isin $1-))) {  
    describe $chan $read(cola.txt,t) $nick

Last edited by NeUtRoN_StaR; 07/01/06 08:48 AM.