while by no means a finished product, you do have to have the dialog open or those errors will result because the events occur, the code fires, the dialog doesnt exist and it errors. You say you got those errors after pressing the copy button, yet the only time I got those errors is when I had done a whois and the dialog wasnt open.

the raw tool I included in my post is just so you can see the raw events as mIRC sees them and you can then filter out the information you want in the way you want. I didnt put in code to stop all the raws that are received for that, again, its sample code.

/clear your status window, /listboxtest to open the dialog, in the init section it does "/whois $me $me".

the dialog should be populated with:
nick [email]user@host[/email]
"real name"
idle time and signon time

in two areas: (1) a listbox that has the margins set to the width of the dialog so you dont see the frame and (2) in three text IDs that are more like the dialog you see in uwho. This is where the "copy" button gets the info from that is to be echoed into status.

if it isn't, then dump my code, because your system isnt working the same as mine and I can't help you.

if it is populated with those items click the copy button, in status you should see the data the same as it was in the text area of the dialog. Again, if it doesn't then there is either something else going on or your system and mine are not working the same and you should dump my code and maybe someone else might offer a solution that will help you with not seeing the ugly listbox in your dialog and still be able to copy the info out.

in either case the code for displaying raw codes should still be working, you didnt say if that was or not.
remove the code
alias listboxtest { dialog -m listbox listbox }
dialog listbox {
  Title "Listbox vs Text Field Test"
  size -1 -1 200 90
  option dbu
  list 100, 0 0 200 38
  text "", 200, 1 40 198 9, center
  text "", 300, 1 50 198 9, center
  text "", 400, 1 60 198 9, center
  button "Copy", 900, 75 75 50 10

on *:dialog:listbox:init:0:{
  whois $me $me
  version $me 
  did -f listbox 900
raw 311:*:{
  did -a listbox 100,200 $2 $3 $+ @ $+ $4
  did -a listbox 100,300 $5-

raw 317:*:{
  echo 3 -s raw317 $3 . $4
  did -a listbox 100,400 Idle: $duration($3) Signed On: $asctime($4)

on *:dialog:listbox:sclick:900:{
  echo -s $did(listbox,200).text
  echo -s $did(listbox,300).text
  echo -s $did(listbox,400).text 

with that safely gone, keep the raw group and that menu, and it will show you the raw codes and what data is associated with each.

Merry Christmas or Happy Chanukah if you celebrate either.