On top of all the other information Id like to point out something, most (if not all ADSL) is listed in kiloBITS so you most likely have a ADSL 512kb/ps line (note the loercase k for kiloBITS), while you then go onto talking about file speeds which are in * kiloBYTES of 7 or 8.
While 7KB/ps or 8KB/ps (note the capital K for KiloBYTES) is still very slow for a 512kbps it is in fact really 56kb/ps or 64kb/ps of the 512.
kiloBYTES convert to kiloBITS by multiplying by 8, and the other way by dividing by 8. So your 512kb/ps line can do a max of 64Kb/ps (still much higher than the reported 7 or 8)

Tech Note from above (to anyone who moans about it LOL)
* in mirc file speeds are actually in CPS (characters per second). I beleieve there is some type of difference in what CPS vs BytesPerSecond, however its pretty minimal if it does exist, as mircs upload/download windows uses KB/sec and it seems to translate to the $send/get().cps exactly.