I want a full automatical bot, so if I add a channel, I don't want to copy/paste or change anything in the code. I have 2 bots were I have to do that, but I know it's annoying if you don't have time enough.

Second, this bot is for a person who don't know anything about irc scripting, so it would be handy if it's automatically.

I've tried the following thing also:

 on 100 $+ $chan:join:#: {
  msg $chan --» Channel master (Level 100) $nick joined $chan $+ ! (Typ .op)

and this one:

 on 100 $+ $chan $+ :join:#: {
  msg $chan --» Channel master (Level 100) $nick joined $chan $+ ! (Typ .op)

Last edited by Vinniej; 22/12/05 09:46 PM.