I have a script that enables you to add/remove bots to a database. Well, everything works except for one part, I want it to remove the entry; yes, but i want it to leave the line there, so all the number say the same. ex.

1. test

3. test

so that way, if you delte 2, it WONT look like this:

1. test
3. test

thus making 3 report as 2, yada yada yada. Ill highligh the part of the code to look at. thanks.

on *:TEXT:!bot*:#ftpxdcc-wolf-botholding:{
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ($2 == add) {
      set %bot_sub $nick
      set %bot_ip $3
      set %bot_speed $4
      set %bot_nick $5
      set %bot_admin $6
      set %bot_owner $7
      set %bots $calc(%bots + 1)
      write xdccbots.txt 12 %bots $+ . «« Bot.IP: %bot_ip »» «« Bot.Pass: %bot_admin »» «« Bot.Nick: %bot_nick »» $&
        «« Bot.Owner: %bot_owner »» «« Bot.Speed: %bot_speed »»7 sub. by %bot_sub
      unset %bot_sub
      unset %bot_ip
      unset %bot_speed
      unset %bot_owner
      unset %bot_admin
      unset %bot_nick
      .notice $nick 12Bot Stored - Thankyou
      .notice $nick 12Entry Number:7 %bots
      goto done
    if ($2 == remove) {
      set %bot_deletego 1
      set %bot_lineremove $3
      set %bot_tempok $nick
      .notice $nick 4!WARNING! 1This Will Delete The Bot Off The Database FOREVER. Continue? (Y/N) 4!WARNING!
    if ($2 == read) {
      set %bot_line $3
      set %bot_readline $read(xdccbots.txt, %bot_line)
      .notice $nick %bot_readline
      .notice $nick 4Done
      unset %bot_line
      unset %bot_readline
      goto done
    if ($2 == help && $3 == $null) {
      .notice $nick 12XDCC Bot Database 7[Entrys: %bots $+ ]
      .notice $nick 1Command listing and bot help
      .notice $nick 1syntax: 4!bot <command> (parameter(s))
      .notice $nick 12TOPICS:
      .notice $nick 4HELP 1 $chr(124) 4 ADD 1 $chr(124) 4 REMOVE 1 $chr(124) 4 READ 1 $chr(124) $&
        12 SEND 1 $chr(124) 12 BACKUP 1 $chr(124) 7 RESET
      .notice $nick 1-
      .notice $nick 4Red: Any op
      .notice $nick 12Blue: Authorized OP's only
      .notice $nick 7Orange: Me :-]
      goto done
    elseif ($2 == help && $3 == add) {
      .notice $nick 12XDCC Bot Database 7[Entrys: %bots $+ ]
      .notice $nick 1syntax: 4!bot add <ip> <speed> <nick> <admin pass> <owner>
      .notice $nick 12You MUST set all fields!
      goto done
    elseif ($2 == help && $3 == remove) {
      .notice $nick 12XDCC Bot Database 7[Entrys: %bots $+ ]
      .notice $nick 1syntax: 4!bot remove <bot number>
      .notice $nick 12Ranges NOT supported yet. soon.
      goto done
on *:TEXT:y:#ftpxdcc-wolf-botholding:{
  if (%bot_deletego == $null) halt
  if (%bot_deletego == 1) {
    .notice $nick 4Deleting $read(xdccbots.txt, %bot_lineremove)
    write -ds $+ %bot_lineremove $+ . xdccbots.txt
    unset %bot_deletego
    unset %bot_lineremove
    unset %bot_tempok
on *:TEXT:n:#ftpxdcc-wolf-botholding:{
  if (%bot_deletego == $null) halt
  if (%bot_deletego == 1) {
    .notice $nick 4Cancled Delete
    unset %bot_deletego
    unset %bot_lineremove
    unset %bot_tempok

Last edited by Hammer; 02/03/03 04:15 PM.

;Check for Life

if (%life == $null) {
goto getlife