knocked this out its heavily flawed but it does exactly what i want ill need to add a few timers just to smooth things out
maybe a few other little bits but it functions and im stoked about that

what im not stoked about is typing out 200 questions and answers smile

alias trivia {
  msg %trivchan $read(q.txt)
  set %anum $readn
  set %answer $read(a.txt, %anum)
on *:text:*:#:{
  if (($1 == !start) && ($ulevel >= 4)) {
    timert 0 30 trivia
  if ($1- == %answer) {
    msg $chan $nick is correct, the answer is %answer $+ .
    timert off
  if (($1 == !stop) && ($ulevel >= 4)) {
    timert off