You could store the nick in a temp var then set a timer to do a whois after the ban expires. At that point use the raw event to determine if the nick is still online and if so send a msg. I'm not sure though, maybe someone else knows a simpler way.

Something like this

on !*@:PART:#:{
  if (% [ $+ [ $wildsite ] $+ ] .rd != $null) { 
    [color:green]; You should put these commands on separate lines
    ; It's much easier to read this way rather than all on one line[/color]
    ban -u60 # $address($nick,1)
    splay unstable.wav
    msg $chan 15,15 14,14 2,2 5,15 Door Revolving 2,2 12,15 triggered by 2,2 4,15 $nick 2,2 12,15 in 2,2 4,15 # 2,2 4,15 Banned 12for4 60 Seconds 2,2 14,14 15,15 
    notice $nick you've been placed on a 60 Seconds BAN for Door Revolving
    set %tmp1 $nick
    set %tmp2 $chan
    set %tmp3 $true
    timer 1 60 whois $nick

raw 311:*:{
  if (%tmp3) {
    msg %tmp1 You were unbanned from %tmp2
    unset %tmp*

Since raw 311 isn't returned if the nick is offline, it should be ok to use that. I used a flag variable so that it doesn't send the unbanned message when you just do a normal whois.

Last edited by schaefer31; 05/12/05 05:58 PM.