on *:input:*:{
;; checking to see if you typed "/" so you can enter a command and
;; not have this script prevent it with a garbage prefix
if ($left($1,1) == $readini($mircini,text,commandchar) { return }

;; creating a value in a variable that will be used to select which
;; of the "decorations" to use
var %decor.opt = $rand(1,3)

;; setting the left and right option
if (%decor.op == 1) {
var %decor.left = >*<
var %decor.right = >*<

if (%decor.op == 2) {
var %decor.left = >@<
var %decor.right = >@<

if (%decor.op == 3) {
var %decor.left = >^<
var %decor.right = >^<

;; sending the decorated string to the active window
msg $active %decor.left $$1- %decor.right

;; halting the text that would normally be sent to the window
