when i did that,
it wouldnt save the variable,
it didnt work for me
ill paist what i have,
with out it

alias setm { dialog -m setm setm }
dialog setm {
title "PHM Script Set Up"
size -1 -1 305 370
icon graphics/icon.ico, index
text "PHM Script Set Up", 1, 70 13 170 20,center
button "Close", 2, 230 340 60 20,ok
edit "On or Off", 3, 40 60 110 20
edit "Town", 4, 40 105 110 20
edit "On or Off", 7, 150 60 110 20
edit "City", 9, 150 105 110 20, autohs
edit "Country", 10, 40 145 110 20, autohs
edit "Male Or Female", 11, 150 145 110 20, autohs
edit "Full Name", 12, 40 190 110 20, autohs
edit "Email Addy", 13, 150 190 110 20, autohs
edit "name.jpg", 14, 40 240 110 20, autohs
edit "Http://www.PHMinistries.net", 15, 150 240 110 20, autohs
button "Set", 25, 15 60 20 20
button "Set", 26, 270 60 20 20
button "Set", 27, 15 105 20 20
button "Set", 28, 270 105 20 20
button "Set", 29, 15 145 20 20
Button "Set", 30, 270 145 20 20
button "Set", 31, 15 190 20 20
button "Set", 32, 270 190 20 20
button "Set", 33, 15 240 20 20
Button "Set", 34, 270 240 20 20
text "Auto Op", 35, 70 37 40 20
text "Auto Voice", 36, 180 37 60 20
text " Town", 37, 70 90 60 15
text "City", 38, 180 90 60 15
Text "Country", 39, 70 130 60 15
Text "Male or Female", 40, 160 130 80 15
Text "Full Name", 41,70 170 80 15
Text "Email Addy", 42, 180 170 80 15
Text "Name Of Pic", 43, 70 225 80 15
Text "Web Site", 44, 180 225 80 15
icon 45,10 320 200 200,graphics/icon.ico, index, center
icon 46,80 320 200 200,graphics/icon.ico, index, center
icon 47,130 320 200 200,graphics/icon.ico, index, center
icon 48,180 320 200 200, graphics/icon.ico, index, center
edit "", 49, 40 290 92 20, autohs
button "Set", 50, 15 290 20 20
text "!Stats", 51, 70 270 80 15
on *:DIALOG:setm:sclick:25:{ msg nickserv set neverop $did($dname,3) }
on *:DIALOG:setm:sclick:26:{ set %autovoiceset $did($dname,7) | /echo Auto Voice Is Set To %autovoiceset }
on *:DIALOG:setm:sclick:27:{ set %townset $did($dname,4) | /echo You Live In The Town Of %townset }
on *:DIALOG:setm:sclick:28:{ set %cityset $did($dname,9) | /echo You Live In The City Of %cityset }
on *:DIALOG:setm:sclick:29:{ set %countryset $did($dname,10) | /echo You Live In The Country Of %countryset }
on *:DIALOG:setm:sclick:30:{ set %sexset $did($dname,11) | /echo Your Sex Is %sexset }
on *:DIALOG:setm:sclick:31:{ set %fullnameset $did($dname,12) | /echo Your Full Name is %fullnameset }
on *:Dialog:setm:sclick:32:{ set %emailset $did($dname,13) | /echo Your Email Addy is %emailset }
on *:DIALOG:setm:sclick:33:{ set %picnameset $did($dname,14) | /echo Your Picture Is %picnameset }
on *:DIALOG:setm:sclick:34:{ set %urlset $did($dname,15) | /echo Your Web Site Is %urlset }
on *:DIALOG:setm:sclick:50:{ set %editstats $did($dname,49) | /echo Preview Of Stats = %editstats }
on *:text:!stats1:*:{ notice $nick is %editstats }