hi people,

I'm new in this forum, and I have some question.

I'm using ADSL connection with WinXP for my home PC. I used connecting to DalNet or Undernet.

But lately DalNet think my IP address was spam/flood, because sometimes I got K-Lined. Sometimes I still could login because my IP not always the same, only the three 1st part is always same. for example: 222.124.226.xxx

Sometimes I use free proxy (usually from www.proxy4free.com) when browsing with Internet Explorer, but I heard I could use free proxy also for mIRC. Is that right?

If yes, how to setting it? I don't know how to use scripts. Btw I use mIRC 6.12

If free proxy works for mIRC, what should I fill on Tools-Options-Local Info/Identify/Firewall?

Please help me if anyone knows smile
