Ok, time for some feedback.

I created code that uses COM to communicate with Excel, and can let you create a graph from a .csv file. I won't show you the code yet, as I'm going to add some more stuff to it, but when it's finished, it'll be fully customizable. Here's a screenshot of what it looks so so far:

Note that the lines on the graph are just data I've whipped together real quickly, they are not really Dalnet stats.

Note that every single color/font/size/position etc. can be formatted easily with some custom aliases. Same for gridlines, type of lines, colors, thickness, position etc. The charttype is also optional, supporting anything Excel supports. So you can easily create a pie chart with the same command, just by changing a number. The color/linetype/thickness etc for the datalines can be chosen easily.

One thing I notice when checking //lusers on Dalnet, is that the number of channels is more or less the same as the amount of local users. So it will become somewhat hard to distinguish between those two stats. Furthermore, on dalnet the Max Gusers/Lusers are far higher from the regular Gusers/lusers, creating somewhoat of a "stupid" graph, with 2 straight horizontal lines on top. I would suggest to forget about these max stats, and only to focus on the current amount of lusers/gusers, so that the units on the y-axis aren't too stretched apart.

Anyway, I would like to give you the code as it's almost finished, but I must focus on my C++ project now, so I'll go back to this code on thursday. Right now, when I issue /chart, it will read a csv file, create a chart, and save it as chart.jpg, which you then can use in mIRC. All the Excel stuff is hidden.

Here's a little excerpt from the code as a little teaser (It's not usable as it's only part of the code):

 ; retrieving objects to x and y axis
  %t = $com(excel.chart,axes,1,uint,1,dispatch* x-axis) 
  %t = $com(excel.chart,axes,1,uint,2,dispatch* y-axis) 
 [color:red]  [/color] 
  ; set axes colors
  setborder x-axis color $rgb(255,0,0)
  setborder y-axis color $rgb(255,0,0)
 [color:red]  [/color] 
  ; show gridlines (true) or not (false)
  setgridlines x-axis true
  setgridlines y-axis false
 [color:red]  [/color] 
  ; set gridlines colors
  setgridlines x-axis color $rgb(200,200,200)
  setgridlines y-axis color $rgb(200,200,200)
 [color:red]  [/color] 
  ; set gridlines types
  setgridlines x-axis linestyle 1
  setgridlines y-axis linestyle 1
 [color:red]  [/color] 
  ; retrieving label objects
  %t = $com(x-axis,ticklabels,2,dispatch* x-labels) 
  %t = $com(y-axis,ticklabels,2,dispatch* y-labels) 
 [color:red]  [/color] 
  setfont x-labels size 8
  setfont y-labels size 8
  setfont x-labels color $rgb(60,60,60)
  setfont y-labels color $rgb(0,0,0)

Will get back to you on thursday more than likely cool
