(If this should be in another area, can the mods please move it accordingly.)

Recently, a bunch of infected clients have been connecting to our network. They all join a particular channel called #miamiwaters. After they join, they send a string of apparently random characters. On closer inspection, the string is always the same, except that it has spaces thrown randomly into it. These strings (with the spaces removed) don't seem to translate to anything using mIRC's $decode function. Several examples:

ae9 954d 4 630f 47468d6bra r2233742025raqbclcrmn23bofbamoacqvblgv

ae9954d463 0f4746 8d 6 bra r2233742025raqbclcrmn23bofbamoacqvblgv

ae99 54d46 30f 47468d6 brar2233742025raqbclcrmn23bofbamoacqvblgv

If anyone knows anything about these bots/viruses could you please share it with everyone else? The name of the virus would be useful and if there is some way of removing/disabling/controlling the infection to prevent them from connecting to the server it would be much appreciated.
