This is your old thread.

Now since I have time, I'll give you an explanation. No you can't do that, not without using a timer. You can't kick a person without being in a channel, and since you're NOT in the channel when you get *kicked*, even SAjoin won't put you in there before your script attempts to de* the nick and kick them.

You should try small tests if you don't believe this. Use two clients, or two open server windows, that way you can monitor it on a second nick.

on *:kick:#: {
  if ($me == $nick && $knick == $me) {
    ; put your /sajoin command here
    msg # am I in this channel yet?

This will explain why your code isn't working. Go ahead and kick yourself. Watch on your second client/server's window, to see if your nick says "am I in this channel yet?"