confused mmkay so far the script i have for my alias problem is:
alias -l say { if (%sayon == False) { halt } | $iif($ulevel >= %saylevel, msg # $1-, $notlevel(%saylevel,$nick,$ulevel)) | /msgcheck %sayresponse ) }

And the function I have to calculate and call it is:
on *:TEXT:*:*: { if ($mid($1-,1,1) == %commandtag) { $iif($me == $nick,halt,$remove($1,%commandtag)) } }

Whenever someone with the right Ulevel says !say blah
it comes up with "* /msg: insufficient parameters (line 94, commands v4.mrc)"
if someone could help me thank you! ^_^

ini files:
would anyone know how to load ini files without them overwriting the original variables?

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