Here is everything in one script. Change it to suit your needs.

on 1:text:!unban *:[color:red]#Channel2[/color]:{
  if ($2 == list) {
    if ($ibl([color:red]#Channel1[/color],0) != 0) {
      msg # Ban list for [color:blue]#Channel1[/color]:
      var %i = 1
      while (%i <= $ibl([color:red]#Channel1[/color],0)) {
        msg # %i $+ : $ibl([color:red]#Channel1[/color],%i)
        inc %i 
    else { msg # [color:blue]#Channel1[/color] has no bans! }
  else if ( ! isin $2 && @ isin $2) {
    if ($2 isban [color:red]#Channel1[/color]) {
      mode [color:red]#Channel1[/color] -b $2
    else {
      msg # $2 was not found on [color:blue]#Channel1[/color]  ban list.
  else { msg # $2 is not a valid banmask. }

If you want to show who made the ban then

Change this line
      msg # %i $+ : $ibl([color:red]#Channel1[/color],%i)

To this
      msg # %i $+ : $ibl([color:red]#Channel1[/color],%i) set by $ibl([color:red]#Channel1[/color],%i).by

You can also do:

$ibl(#Channel1,%i).date - This will show the date and time of the ban