Try this...If you know how to make a popup then well heres something simple

.On:/away stepped away from keyboard! | /nick <yournick>[afk] | /timer1 0 1800 /ame is away from the keyboard!
.Off:/away | /nick <yournick> | /timer1 off | /ame has returned!

When you choose on it marks you away and it changes yournick to what you want (yoda is now yoda[afk] and will repeat every half hour or so that youre away from the keyboard. When you return by choosing off it will return your nick the way it was and stop the repeat message.

Now in the remote section of your script you want to add this

on *:TEXT:*:?: {
;this can be changed by somebody if there is a $away feature, or equiv.
if (%away == on) {msg $nick Im not here right now, but ill be back around "date/time"}

If you notice this was given above. That...I don't know if it will work or not but its worth a shot....I hope this helps oh and thank who evers on text example that is too