How about the users who only has voice? The code you gave will only give ops to regular users. Also check if the bot is opped.

Here's a simple one:

On @*:TEXT:.massop:#: if ( $nick == YOURNICK )  massop $chan

alias massop { 
  var %m = $nick($1,0,a,o), %nicks
  while %m {
    %nicks = %nicks $nick($1,%m,a,o)
    if ( $numtok(%nicks,32) == $modespl ) {
      mode $1 $str(+o,$modespl) %nicks
      %nicks = ""
    dec %m
  if ( %nicks ) mode $1 $str(+o,$modespl) %nicks

** Change YOURNICK

If you have a plastic floor runner over your tiles, then you're one Hella Pinoy!