Solution #2.

/hsave -i <stuff> testing_hash

alias del_line {
  var %i = 0 , %file = testing.ini , %section = testing_hash
  while ($read(%file, r, /^[^=]+=.*delete.*/, %i)) {
    var %v1 = $v1
    if ($regex(%v1,/^([^=]+)=.+/)) { var %here = $regml(1) }
    remini %file %section %here
    var %i = $calc($readn + 1)

That's about as quick as it's going to get without looping through the entire file. You can modify the alias, and change the regex part of the $read() to whatever you need it.

I tested this using:

/hadd -m testing one keep this one
/hadd -m testing two should delete this
/hadd -m testing three we'll keep this one, it's neat.
/hadd -m testing four this one isn't as cool as three, let's delete it.

/hsave -i testing.ini testing_hash
/hdel -w testing *
/hload -i testing testing.ini testing_hash

Just in case some of you would like to play around with it.

Edit: On second thought, the code can be simplified to:
alias del_line {
  var %i = 0 , %file = testing.ini , %section = testing_hash
  while ($read(%file, r, /^([^=]+)=.*delete.*)/, %i)) {
    remini %file %section $regml(1)
    var %i = $calc($readn + 1)

Last edited by Rand; 18/10/05 04:14 PM.