That would work if the text given begins the line in the readme... Use "-dw * $+ $2- $+ *" instead. Also, no need for * in front of !del... it could cause problems. And, having a space before the * the follows would be good to prevent another command from triggering this one:

on *:text:!del *:#:{

And, you should probably set it to only respond to ops or only to certain people, or else anyone can delete lines.


bodo0815 : As for how you had it set up with stripping the codes... Are you going to do:

!del This is 04red that I am searching for

??? If your search text doesn't contain codes, then why are you stripping them from the search text? I think what you meant to do was to strip the codes from the text in the file (log?) that you're deleting lines in so that your search matches.

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