k, first question was answered prity well

so i'll skip down to the next 2.

first by 'brackets' i'm just going to asume because you rfirst question included '&nbsp;' that your probly reading in html .. so by brackets i'm asuming you mean < > (although they are NOT brackets)

heres a lil identifer i made a long time back that will strip them out of a given string ($1-) .. all u'd have to do is loop though the file and filter each line with it, perhaps writeing a new .tmp file at the same time

html.strip {
  var %ctr = 0, %tot = $numtok($1-,$asc(&lt;)), %str = $1-
  while (%ctr &lt; %tot) {
    inc %ctr | var %str = $+($gettok(%str,1,$asc(&lt;)),$gettok(%str,2-,$asc(&gt;)))
  return %str

basicly what we are doing here is defining our loop, ctr is our counter, tot is how many tags need removed based on the number of tokens useing < as the deliminator chr, and defining %str to our current string, then what we do is we remove the first <tag> and reset the varable, and the next time we remove the first tag again (which beings the first was taken out is now the 2nd, but first in the new string) .. to do this is easy, take everythign before the first < and $+ it to everythign after the first >. (odds are this could be done easier with regex, but i dont do regex :P

hope that helps .. i left $asc() in there instead of useing the ascii values that way if u ment [ ] brackets or { } brases .. u can just change the chrs and it will work for those also.

i'll asume u know how to loop though the lines of a file .. so i wont bother writeing that part for you .. however if u need more help ask...

as far as your other question, taking text thats backwords and re-orderig it to be read normaly is quite simple, just lop though each chr useing $mid() and re-write the string like so.

str.reverse {
  var %ctr = 0, %tot = $len($1-), %str
  while (%ctr &lt; %tot) {
    inc %ctr | var %str = $mid($1-,%ctr,1) $+ %str
  return %str

basicly we define a counter (ctr = 0) a total, (length of string), and then define the var we want to store the new string into. .. then its just a mater of looping though, building the var, and then returning it
