Sorry for the delay getting back to you. The problem was a mistake I made with how to use $snick. I forgot that you need to have $snick($chan,1) instead of just $snick. Here...
dialog Notice {
  title "Notice"
  size -1 -1 200 40
  option dbu

  text "",1,5 5 100 8
  edit "",2,5 14 190 10,autohs

  button "Hidden",3,210 50 1 1
  button "Close",4,90 27 20 8,ok

on *:dialog:Notice:init:*: {
  did -a $dname 1 Notice %nnick $+ :
  did -ht $dname 3

on *:dialog:Notice:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 3 && $did(2) != $null) {
    .notice $left($gettok($did(1),2,32),-1) $did(2)
    did -r $dname 2

menu nick {
  Notice: set %nnick $snick($chan,1) | dialog -m Notice Notice

You should now see "Notice nick:" in the notice box instead of just "Notice :" ... and that will mean that the .notice part will work properly.

Let me know if it works.

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